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8:37 AM

10.1 mi


11:40 mi


56 F
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Sunny and already warm. Took the day off for Cathy's 60th birthday party in Portland. Wanted to get in 10 to see how my back/hip would feel. Ran a 5 mile out and back on the Relay course. Felt crappy for the first 2 miles. No energy, tired legs and my hip was already complaining. It seemed to get better once I warmed up. I tried to keep the pace up so I could finish in 2 hours. Felt like I was moving pretty good. I was pretty hot though and should have gone with a short sleeve shirt. When I got to the OG Middle Earth aid station, I stopped and took off my shirt, draped it over my back and put my pack back on. Then I had a GU as I was heading back. My shirt was drenched and I felt better with it off. Back and hip felt ok going back. My legs were getting tired but I still kept going pretty hard to simulate a 20 mile run. Finished right at 10 back at the car. Felt pretty beat but it was a good run.

Gear: compression shorts, shorts, grey W2B long tech T (shed), head band, water pack
