Run: Trail Previous Next


11:46 AM

7.2 mi


9:51 mi


79 F
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Mostly Cloudy, hot and very humid, 79 deg, dew point 70. My sciatica was still there this morning and I could feel it in my hip. Decided to try a relatively flat run so as not to put too much pounding on my back and also to see if it would loosen up. Took it out at an easy pace up Steve’s favorite hill. Legs felt a little tired going up the hill on the power lines. This trail was quite a bit wetter than I thought it was going to be. Took it easy on the downhill and skipped the second hill climb up around the rocky section to keep it flat. Crossed over the bridge and headed out along the river. There were a couple deer flies constantly buzzing around me while I was in the woods. Kept the pace fairly easy, but picked it up through Zink’s field. Gorham’s field had been hayed, so it was pretty good running through there. Ran down to the end of the boat launch and splash some water on my face and neck. My stomach was complaining about being hungry, so I sat on the picnic table and had a GU. The river was pretty, like a mirror. I was pretty hot so I took of my shirt and put it in my pack. I need to start bringing tank tops to wear instead of short sleeve shirts. Felt cooler with my shirt off. My legs felt sluggish getting going again, but by the time I got to Gorham’s field I was able to pick up the pace a little. Ran hard back through Zink’s and then fairly easy through the woods. The sun was out at this point and I was starting to heat up again. Crossed the bridge and stopped at the Upper Hydro gate to cool down. Sat on a rock for a few minutes before continuing on. Ran up the hill on the powerlines at a pretty good clip and tried to run a little harder back down to the hydro road. Ran hard down the hill, crossed 108, and ran pretty hard back to the mill. My leg and hip weren’t painful like they were yesterday, sciatic felt ok. The heat didn’t seem too bad, but the humidity made it really soupy. I hope it’s not this humid for the Breaker race.
