Run: Trail Previous Next


7:16 AM

6.2 mi


9:34 mi


68 F
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Cloudy, damp from overnight rain. Got up early to run again. Felt a little tired today. Started out on the run I planned yesterday taking a right at marker 18 and a left at mark 19. This road was also a steady climb. The pace was a little easier than yesterday. Hip still sore. At a little beyond a mile and a half, I came to big stone bridge crossing over Hadlock brook right in front of Hadlock Falls. It was really cool. A beautiful waterfall. The date on the bridge was 1925. Just a short ways away was another bridge and that date was 1994. It went across another brook. Kept going and just beyond 2 miles came to the intersection with marker 12 where I was yesterday. I decided to go back the way I came so I could check out the waterfall some more. Kept running up enjoying the views of the sound. I didn't want to go as far as yesterday, so I turned around at 3.1 miles. Ran pretty quick back down but not as hard as yesterday. At one point the back of my right knee had some stabbing pain. Was it from too much hard downhill? Slowed down and it went away. Continued back to the waterfall. There was a little trail with a built in set of granite steps that went down to the stream and under the bridge. I went down that and splashed my face. I went under the bridge to the other side and looked back at the waterfall, really wished I had my phone to take a picture it was awesome. Climbed back up and continued on. Easy pace back to the parking lot. This run was more humid but I didn't feel as beat up at the end as I did yesterday. Iced my sore hip again, it was more sore than yesterday. Another pretty run.

Gear: shorts, short tech T, water belt.
