Run: Moderate Pace Previous Next


11:39 AM

7 mi


9:16 mi


75 F
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Mostly sunny, hot in the sun, humidity ok. 75 deg, dew point 59. Ran by myself and decided I should do kind of an easy run after yesterday’s long effort, so Black Bridge it was. Also wanted to get in some road miles as training for Reach the Beach. Ran the road to Hosmer and then out the walking path to Hancock street. Kept the pace easy but not slow. I was trying to keep 3 breaths in and out and not let feel hard. Legs were a little tired but felt ok pretty quick. The only issue I noticed was going downhill, below my right knee cap was sore. It felt the same yesterday at the end of the run. It felt ok climbing and on the flat. My pace kept dropping even though the effort felt the same. I concentrated on belly breathing, not sure if I’ve gotten away from this running trails, but I consciously tried to keep do it on the road today. The sun was hot on my back going out, but when I turned off Black Bridge there was a little breeze which was nice. I wasn’t sure if I could drop the pace for my last mile, but I just kept the same effort. I looped around the parking lot before coming across the footbridge to make sure I got to seven. Pretty happy to see I did drop the time the last mile without a huge effort. Good run, and I felt better than I expected after the long run yesterday. I’ll have to keep an eye on my right knee though to make sure it doesn’t get worse.
