Run: Trail Previous Next


6:01 AM

5.2 mi


11:23 mi


60 F
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Sunny cool morning. Staying at the Bethel Inn for Cristen & Kent's wedding today. Plan was to do about 5 miles and then come back and get Luka and run with him some. Ran the cart path along the golf course and then the trail started just before a section of Townhouses. Trail ran through some grass and the some woods before crossing a paved road and starting on the bike paths. Ran the Bingham loop trail and came out on an old grassy road call I-95. Taking a right led out to Rte. 5 and crossing that takes you to the Gould Trails. I took a left and stayed on that trail. It was flat with just a half track trail leading down through the grass. There were a couple of places to jump back onto the bike trails but I didn't take them. Turned around at 2.5 miles and came back. Kept the pace fairly easy as I didn't have any water with me or GU before I left. Just before getting back to the Townhouses, I saw a big old mansion with boarded up windows, all run down. Looks like it must've been pretty nice back in the day. Finished back at the Tennis courts and had some water to cool down. Went back to the room to text the kids about getting Luka and had a GU as I was getting a little bonky. Good run on a beautiful morning.

Gear: shorts and tank
