Bike: Woods Previous Next


9:21 AM

10.8 mi


9.87 mi / hr


72 F
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Today I decided to do a "Brick". A bike ride followed by a trail run right after. Wanted to train for the Baxter Maine Huts & Trails Duathalon. Got my stuff ready to run so I could transition quickly. Rain was predicted for late morning. Rode out to Black Bridge and then to Mexico Rec. Tried to keep the pedal cadence up. Rode the trails and then went back up to 17, crossed the road and climbed up Thompson Hill Road. A really long climb, some sections were really bony. Turned around at the top and came back down to Honda Trails, pedaling steady. Took the trail at Hosmer and back home. Put my bike away (caught 5 more deer flies on my helmet) and changed my shoes, put on a tank top and water bottle belt and had a GU. Reset my watch and headed out.
