Run: Long Previous Next


7:31 AM

6 mi


14:11 mi


72 F
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Cloudy to partly sunny, wet from rain yesterday and humid. Goal was 5 to 6 miles for a "long" run. Looped around the parking lot then went out Homestead. Felt pretty crappy the first mile. Legs tired, it was humid and I was hot too early in the run. Felt better later. Went back up Harrington to the road then down the first section of singletrack, to the shortcut trail down to Homestead to the picnic area. Stopped to take a couple pics and get out a GU. Ate that as I was going along. Felt like I was moving pretty well. At the end of Homestead I ran across the bridge then turned around and headed for Fox Run. Took that and ran some of the hills and hiked some. My legs were starting to get tired and I walked more than I should have. Finished Fox and headed back on the ATV. My IT band was starting to complain a little. I tried adjusting by standing upright more and focusing on picking up my left leg. That seemed to help as it felt a little better and I didn't have to resort to a walk run. I picked up the pace a little too once I got to the top of the hill. Finished with a loop around the parking lot to get to 6 miles. Didn't have to stop to poop! I felt crampy on the second half of Homestead and a little on Fox but it went away. I did go twice before I left home. Good run. Deer flies are still out on the ATV.

Gear: shorts, BLG tank, headband, water pack
