Run: Treadmill Previous Next


11:00 AM

5.2 mi


8:00 mi


-1 F
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Brutally windy and cold, thus another day on the treadmill. Forgot my new earbuds, so I just watched the Price is Right. Set the incline at 1.0, set the time to 45:00 minutes, started at a speed of 6.0, and quickly worked up to 7.5. Upped it to 8.0 and ran there most of the time. At about 30 minutes I paused for a drink of water and wiped the sweat off, getting pretty hot. Started back up and 7.0, then went back to 8.0. Stopped again 10 minutes later for another drink and wipe down. Ran at 8.0 until 5 miles then backed down to 7.5 for the final 0.22. Cooled down with an easy jog and walking. Knee didn't hurt, but IT band felt a little tight. Good training run, but mentally tough. Outside of left leg kinda sore after, not sure if IT band is just tight from lack of running? Doesn't feel like hips are out of whack.
