Run: Trail Previous Next


11:47 AM

6.7 mi


11:33 mi


72 F
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Mostly sunny, light wind, warm, 72. Ran by myself, Bob went on a ride with Mark. Decided to do an out and back below the Ledge. Felt ok starting out, but once I stared climbing up off the Honda trail I started getting really tired. I was also clearing a lot of snot from my throat. Once I got to the broken bridge, which is now fixed. I was really feeling like crap. I had only gone 2.5 miles and was seriously considering turning around. Decided it might just be my energy was low, had a GU and decided to climb up to Steve’s sign then go down a connect over to the lower trail and loop back. Once I started climbing again, I changed my mind and decided to go all the way up to the round it stump and keep going to the ribbon trail. Legs felt ok climbing but I was really struggling to fill my lungs, not like asthma, but figured it was probably my cold lingering. Went around the round it stump 3 times and walked a bit towards the ribbon trail. Started running again and felt better, the GU must have kicked in. Ran down the ribbon trail, stopping to pick up branches and sticks here and there. It was nice going down that trail. Once out of the woods, the skidder trail was all grown in with blackberry bushes, got my legs ripped up a bit. Ran the downhills pretty hard and felt ok. Left toe felt better. Still an issue with my right hip a knee some, lingering nerve issue it felt like. Ran at a moderate pace all the way back. Ran into Fr. Nathan walking his black lab puppy, stopped to talk to him for a minute. Good run overall. Next time I should have a GU before the run.
