Run: Trail Previous Next


11:22 AM

5.5 mi


9:09 mi


91 F
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Mostly sunny, very hot, humid, 91, dew point 70. Ran to the Mexico Rec park and back. Ran with Bob and Jen Heinzen for the first mile or so. Bob is still coming back from his heel injury and they have a Spartan race this weekend. Kept the pace easy the first mile, Bob set the pace and it felt fast. Felt better the second mile and was able to run fairly hard. It was really hot in the fields. Looped around the back of the tennis courts and around the ball fields. By time I got back to the second field I had to stop and cool down. Wrung out my headband and took off again after a few minutes. Didn’t loop around the field as no one has ridden through it, the grass was high and I didn’t want to pick up a tick. Felt like I was running easier but my split was 8:36. Got really hot again and felt like stopping, but kept going to the loop down by the river before stopping again to cool down. Ran a little slower the rest of the way but had to dig deep to keep from slowing and walking or stopping. Finished ok but super hot again. Took a long time to cool down enough to stop sweating. Legs felt ok. Couldn’t tell if I was still fatigued or just hot, probably both.
