Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:25 AM

10.5 mi


8:24 mi


62 F
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Cloudy warm, kinda muggy, no breeze, 62 deg. Tempo day, 8 miles at 3:30 – 3:35 pace. Black Bridge loop. Bob rode his bike along with me and also checked out some of the woods trails. Ran up to Penobscot and picked up the pace after the first mile warm-up. All the splits were under 8:30, most under 8:20. Felt pretty good most of the way, no aches or pains. Ran faster than the plan called for but it felt ok, work but not really hard. Did an extra mile on the Rumford side, crossed the bridge, had a GU and did an extra mile on the other side. The last two tempo miles I was starting to feel it. Backed off some on the last mile to the mill, but still turned out to be pretty fast. Cool down back and forth across the footbridge. Good training run. I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel, legs felt beat up from FBB this week and the extra miles. Felt ok though. Will take tomorrow off and rest for the 20 miler on the schedule for Saturday.

Gear: shorts, short tech T, headband, water pack.
