Bike: Woods Previous Next


11:51 AM

11.3 mi


6.15 mi / hr


71 F
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Weather was so much better today. Sunny, breezy, 71 deg. and dew point of 47. Hips out of whack from fall in the garage, so decided to bike. Bob and I rode up to the Hydro road then up onto the powerlines, across the bridge to the New powerlines trail. Made all the climbs and getting more use to the bike. On the single track out to Swain Road I hit a patch of water and mud, my back tire slid out from under me and I had to put my left foot down. Caught myself on a small tree to keep from going down. Rode up around the reservoir and continued on to Lem Cissel's. Didn't think I would be able to climb up the whole way but just kept chugging and made it. Still fairly cautious on the downhill, but tried not to ride the brakes too much. Got more comfortable as I went along. Just before the Isthmus Road my right calf started to cramp. Had to stop and stretch and took a GU. We crossed the road and followed the ATV trail down to the bridge. Rode back through to the old XC trail and through Scottie's. Made the climb on the far end of the hill but my calf was really crampy. Took it easy on the singletack and we took the usual way back to the mill. Good ride, didn't bother my hip.
