Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:00 PM

3.8 mi


6:10 mi


147 lb
  • Map


4x5 minutes of tempo with 1 minute breaks (felt like only 20 sec though, thanks Rob)

1 and 3 might have been a little wind aided....

splits: (i think, watch was screwy)

1) .83 -6:10

2) .85- 6:08

3) .82- 6:11

4) .82- 6:11

about 6:10 average--- But dissapointed to remember I ran Spring Classic 10 miler at that pace and struggled to maintain the same pace for only 5 minutes tonight..... geeezzz, wonder if my age is catching up, I'm putting in the work but it's not coming as easy as it did over the last 2 years..

Just hoping to hit anything under 3 at Cbus-- 2:55-- NO WAY..old man
