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8:00 AM

25 km


10:08 mi


adidas Riot 3


147 lb


70 F

Race Result

10 / 80 (12.5%)
  • Map

deerfly 25k


trail race, ya right. this should have been called 25k mountain climb.

This race included some of the steepest climbs I have ever seen. Not just a few but continuous and never ending. at times I had to use tree brances to aid in climbing the hills, I would grab onto them and yank myself up. even the downhills were so steep I had to ease my way down so I wouldnt toppel over. AT mile 13 there was a river that we had to cross., the water was waist deep and felt great. Many bolders to climb over and the trails were very rough with roots and rocks. All this being said, it might have been the most fun I have ever had during a race. I was more tired and beaten up at the end then in any marathon ive done.

I was expecting to finish with a time of 2:10 or better. I was just finishing mile 12 when i looked at my watch and saw 2:10. Oh well, PR wasnt going to happen today and I couldn't care less, I was very happy and grateful to have the strenght to complete this very challenging race.
