Run: Race Previous Next


9:00 AM

5 km


6:00 mi


150 lb


75 F


9 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

5 / 225 (2.2%)
1 / 35 (2.9%)
5 / 225 (2.2%)


I wasn't sure what to expect out of todays 5k. It has been 3 weeks since the Flying Pig marathon and I have only done easy runs and 1 speed workout since. Not sure where my fitness level was.

My best 5k was 2 months before the pig and i ran 18:43 on what I thought was a pretty tough course with 1 steep hill in the middle of the race. todays race was somewhat flat with the last mile at a slight uphill finish. The course wasn't the issue today, the issue was the HEAT. 75* and humid at the start. I got in 3 miles of w/u and 2x1 min at race pace prior to the start. I was feeling very warm and I was concerned about dehydration during the race. I found my spot in line and the gun went off. The first mile a slight rolling down hill, I decided to take advantage of that and started strong. Myself and about 7 other guys were leading the pack. We all stayed very tight through mile 2. After mile 1 my time was 5.32, a little too fast but I knew that after mile two we were headed into the woods for some trails and I would lose some time. Going into the woods my time was 11:28. Starting to really feel the heat now and I was in 6th spot with 5 high school kids running together in a pack (punks) The woods and the heat was taking its toll, heading towards the end I was struggling a bit but I was able to find some energy and I passed 1 kid about 1/4 mile before the finish line. I am now in 5th spot and I have 1 more kid in my sight but that was not meant to be, I didn't have enough gas left to overtake. Finishing at 18:38. I was hoping for a sub 18 but considering the lack of quality workouts lately, I will settle for 18:38. I was able to PR by 4 seconds. I will re-group and try for my sub 18 next month in Georgia.
