Run: Easy Previous Next


9:00 AM

3.1 mi


8:10 mi


150 lb


40 F


1 / 10
1 / 10
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Went to strongsville to check out the course for the 5k I will be racing on Sat 27th

First 1.6 miles was a mixture of flat to rolling downhill. Then from 1.6 to 2.1 was a very challenging

hill that will test me come saturday. The last mile was pretty flat.

This race is not at all straight, there are at least five 90' right turns and 2 right turns onto busy roads that will slow down my time. The hill will be a challenge. I need to be smart in the first 1.5 miles so I have the energy needed to conquer that hill.

Probably not the best course to go for the PR I am looking for. 18 minutes is the goal. Pretty aggressive considering my best to date is 19.34. But I am in good shape and I think 18 minutes is achievable.

Should be alot of fun but I will need to warm up properly.
