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6 km


6:47 mi

Race Result

52 / 200 (26%)


felt compleeeetely dead. usually like a good 40 seconds ahead of lindsey ray and jayme but lindsey passed me around the 3rd mile and i was like fuck. i am waayyyy back. i passed her back and she never caught me again, but jayme passed me in the last 1k and i never got her. she beat me by ten seconds and i beat lindsey by 10 seconds. it was kinda a huge wake up call. my body felt completely dead the whole time, like i was about to freaking collapse. afterwards coach told me we are going to "adjust my training" so i'm not so tired all the time...

i think that basically means he's going to forget that i'm dying and i'm going to have to defend my body from now on.

i'm gonna try and stay positive though. i've still got a lot of quality work under my belt...i just need to get my legs back under me. it's gonna be ok :)
