Run: Long Previous Next


5:40 AM

17.5 mi


6:54 mi


No name


143.6 lb


65 F


7 / 10
5 / 10
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Other than the Marathon, this is my longest run since September 5, 2011. Also the biggest week since July 4, 2011 (would have gone the extra .8 if I knew I was that close to 70 miles). Happy about my consistency and progress, but there is still a very long way to go.

Felt good through most of the run despite the heavy week and only 2 days since the last long run. I stashed a water bottle out on the course and drank about 14 ounces between 52-60 minutes. I think that really helped the second half. I should get some Gu and start using that again on long runs. The last few miles hurt, but I kept pace and focused on staying with the rhythm.

With this run, I passed the mileage goal for the "Summer Challenge 2014." Need to take it easy the first part of this next week now. But, I do need to get my 4 mile time-trial in by Fri for the other part of the Summer Challenge. Not looking forward to that. I don't remember the last time I race a mile under 6 minute pace. Hope that doesn't cause any problems.
