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7:00 AM

26.2 mi


7:21 mi


157 bpm
175 bpm


45 F


The race started out very well as I was quite a bit ahead of my desired 7:15 mile pace. At the 5k and 10k splits, I was around 6:45 pace, and I was still below 7:00 pace as I hit the 1/2 mark of the race. The hill at mile 17 was much tougher than I had anticipated. It took quite a bit out of me, which would hamper the last 8-9 miles of the race. Once I crossed the bridge after the hill, I felt myself starting to hit the "wall." It controlled me for the next 2-3 miles, really causing my pace to suffer (it was at this point, looking back, that I lost my 3:10:00 goal for good). My next 2 miles were back on pace as I hit another wind (that I didn't have in my first marathon). This lasted until I got halfway down a large decent that took its toll on my left quad and right calve. For about 3/4 mile they alternating cramping up, almost to the point of me calling it a day, and seeking medical attention. But every time that thought crossed my mind, I was reminded of all the sweat and pain that I had endured through in the long runs of 95+ degree heat of was this and the thought of failing in front of my family that helped me persevere through this difficult part of the race (not to mention the repeated answering of prayer on a minute by minute basis from God). Once I hit the bottom of the hill I was onto the Steel Bridge, cheered on by the cheer leaders of my old high school (Benson Tech baby!) At the bottom of the hill, after the bridge, I hit the 25 mile sign and knew it was time to let it go (looking back, I would have needed to run a 6:00 mile approx. to hit my time). I must have passed 15-20 gassed out runners on that straight-away along Waterfront Park. Once I turned right toward downtown, I knew that the finish line was just around the corner. Turning the corner, I was able to see my folks and Christi's folks cheering as a strided out the last 50 meters throught the finish line, just 35 seconds shy of my Boston qualifying time of 3:10:59. I was able to get much-needed hydration as well as a trip to the medical tent to have my cramps rubbed out...also to lay down and get rubbed down a little! All in all, it was an awesome experience, with much wisdom taken from the event. I now know that I need to work on hydration/nutrition along the race course, as they both played a key role in my cramping/breakdown. I also gained a little more insight as to the pacing aspect of the race. I need to figure out a "happy medium" pace to stick to in the first half of the marathon, in order to stay on track to hit my goal, but not too fast to wipe me out from miles 13.1-26.2, mainly 20-26.2.

Having missed my Boston goal by a mere 1:30, I'm even more motivated to get back on the horse, get to work, and get that time that will put me on a plane to Massachusetts in mid April!

Update (12/01): received a plaque in the mail recognizing me as the fastest runner in the Portland Marathon from the state of Arizona. It caught me off guard, but I'll take it...any hardware is good!
