Run: Easy Previous Next


12:30 PM

5.5 mi


7:55 mi


149 lb
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A pretty dissapointing run...mostly because I felt almost healed on the first mile or so and felt great waking up...then slight discomfort and tightness crept in after several minutes then full blown discomfort as the muscles/tendons got super tight. Stretching didn't help much, and almost seemed to make it worse.

I'm seriously looking at taking tomorrow completely off...but damn I hate this feeling and taking the day off feels like giving up. On the flip side it's probably necessary so I can get myself back out quicker.

The discomfort did kinda ebb and flow...mostly flowing though. A few stops to try and stretch. Low back stretch seemed to aid a bit....hip/ITB/piriformis stretches felt nice but didn't help when running. Probably need to avoid stretching right now and just massage/ice/rest.

Calf is still tender/tight as well...WTF, coming off so many strong months of solid and healthy training and I speed up a tiny bit for a week and my body goes to shit. Right when I think I've got this training thing figured out...ugg.

Will revevalute tomorrow...and at the least get out for a walk. Super nice day, but I barely noticed
