Run: Easy Previous Next


5:21 PM

6 mi


8:42 mi


89 F


Temp 89 Wind 9 mph.

Guess I don't travel and run well. One wreck after another. Not fully recovered. Sat in meetings all day and did not properly hydrate. Forgot to check temperature before I left, and thought it was cooler. Had turned on Garmin in hotel before I walked over to running trail. Must have lost connection. Did not notice until 11:00 in that only timer is working. Reset, and tried to guess about three miles out. I'm winging it in unfamilar territory, so of course I run too fast. Was running about an 8:15. Within McMillan, but too fast after race and 10 mile day.

Reset Garming at turnaround at trail head. Start to overheat on way back. Walk break, jog, walk break, find a water fountain. Slog on in to the finish.

Log it and do better tomorrow.
