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2.3 mi


9:20 mi


150 lb
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mason 14


Ran by a garbage can this morning that looked just like the one Oscar The Grouch has so it prompted me to look up this little episode. Don't ask me why but I am into quotes these days.

Michael Jackson: [reading out loud] One of the main reasons for seeing ghosts is because you are not keeping yourself busy enough. Your imagination is allowed to run wild.

Oscar The Grouch: Uh, hey fella! What's that book you're reading there? Huh?

Michael Jackson: "Everything You Wanted To Know About Ghosts But Were Afraid To Ask". It's really trash.

Oscar The Grouch: Oh, well, I happen to like trash. I'll tell you what. I'll give you this brand new broken portable TV for it, huh? What do you say?

Michael Jackson: Nevermind. You can have it for gratis.

Oscar The Grouch: Yeah, but can I have it for free, too?

Michael Jackson: That too. Merry Christmas!

Oscar The Grouch: Well, I won't go that far, but thanks, pal!

Michael Jackson: See you later! Bye!
