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5:35 AM

14 mi


7:25 mi


154 lb


71 F


6 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map

West End


Ran with Dan, Darrin, Destiny, Sam, and Phil until about 7 miles when we started to break apart. Ran with Phil behind Darrin and Destiny until Twin Lakes. I didn't feel great and skipped the gel I was carrying at mile 7. I decided I would try using the bathroom at Twin Lakes and by the time I got there I didn't have any choice. When I was getting a drink and consuming my gel Sam ran by me. I could see Destiny, Darrin and Phil way ahead of me when they were almost done running around the lake. I picked up the pace and caught up to Sam. Then I passed Darrin walking since he didn't feel well. I finally caught up to Destiny and Phil and kept the pace going since I was in a groove. I was actually feeling good and had about 3 miles to go. I ran through the fountain at Flat Branch Park, Broadway, and back to 9th St. The last 4 miles were all sub-7 and felt easier than the first 10. I felt like I had salvaged a crappy run after the first 10 miles.

m1 - 8:32

m2 - 8:05

m3 - 7:51

m4 - 7:47

m5 - 7:40

m6 - 7:44

m7 - 7;47

m8 - 7:12

m9 - 7:30

m10 - 7:07

m11 - 6:36

m12 - 6:25

m13 - 6:42

m14 - 6:36
