Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:30 AM

8 mi


6:23 mi


164 bpm



4 / 10
4 / 10
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<No name>


My first "tempo" of the season. I put tempo in quotes, because I never really got down to tempo pace, or at least what I think tempo pace should be for me. It was 3 miles running, 2 miles at tempo, 3 miles running. My first 3 miles were low 6:20s, then I did my 2 "tempo" miles at 5:53, and 5:41. Then the last 3 were at 6:50 ish. I could have pushed myself a little more, but this is the first thing faster than regular running that I've done since the end of my track season, so I wanted to keep it controlled. It didn't feel very hard. I think I'll push a little harder on the next one, but a decent start.
