Run: Easy Previous Next


9:00 AM

7.5 mi


6:48 mi


156 bpm



3 / 10
3 / 10
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<No name>


Was going to take today to cross train, but sitting on that bike hurt my butt too bad, so I think I'm going to do that tomorrow. So I went to practice with North. Ran with Nick and Kent. Didn't feel super great, but that makes sense, because I did a lot yesterday. I decided that I would rather run at 7 or 8 than 9. The weather wasn't too bad, but it just feels much more comfortable earlier. The pace was a little slower than ideal, but it's just one day. I'll try to make my next run quicker. Also did push ups, sit ups, pull ups, front plank, side planks, and leg lowers after the run and push ups and sit ups again before bed. I want to try to start doing at least a little bit of core stuff every day.

And I want to remember to record sleep here.

Sleep: 8.5 hours (11:30-8)
