Run: Long Previous Next


1:00 PM

13 mi


6:51 mi


156 bpm



3 / 10
3 / 10
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<No name>


Maybe my longest run of the season time-wise, but pretty slow. I wanted to keep it relatively relaxed. The first 5 miles were probably like 7:00 pace. Then when I saw that, I decided that I was being a little bit too relaxed, so I pretty much immediately sped up to about 6:40, then I hovered between 6:35 and 6:40 for a few miles feeling pretty good. The last 3-4 miles felt kinda hard, and I slowed down a bit, but I've been training really hard, and I didn't sleep super well last night, so that's not too concerning. Some soreness from yesterday, most noticeably in my back, but nothing that seemed too bad. Today was just a day I had to get through. Another week at even higher mileage than the last. I don't think I will increase my mileage this week. Probably stay about the same, maybe even just barely less. Then a few down days going into the week that I leave for campus. #sharkweekisover

Sleep: 7 hours (12-7) Woke up several times so probably less than 7
