Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:30 PM

9 mi


18.62 mi / hr


120 bpm



2 / 10
2 / 10
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<No name>


Was kinda bored and I'm supposed to ride my new bike a lot before I leave to make sure the guys at the bike shop can fix it up and make sure everything is good to go when I leave for campus, so I decided to just go out and ride for a while. I can tell that it's not a super nice road bike like the one I've been riding, but I like it. The combination of my race and not as nice of a bike and my seat being too low made going uphill a struggle, but it was fun. Glad I got out and road some. Today was a really active day for me. I ran the road race, then biked, and a little while after the bike I played basketball for like an hour. #todaywasagoodday
