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8:00 AM

26.2 mi


7:35 mi


32 F


7 / 10
7 / 10

Race Result



very cold and windy. started with Josh Hite and the 3:15 pace group. Hit all the first 14 mile markers right on projected time and felt good,. Nagging pain in left hip and right calf tried to cramp several times. Pushed through the pain, also a real bad poop pain that I held until the finish. Left Josh and the girl he was running with at mile 13 and pushed on by myself. at Mile 15 mad a right turn directly into a 25 mph headwind. At mile 20, kinda fell apart and the pace group started pulling away from me. decided to be a bit more conservative and go for sub 2:20. Passed about 40 people in the last 5 miles, some of them doing what I did last year WALKING. Finished strong, but was glad to see th finish line.. PR by 11 minutes



congrats on the PR. It was a tough day with the wind.