Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 AM

5 mi

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<No name>


First run outside in months. Felt good to get outside, not on a treadmill - but also felt extremely awkward. Like I was running with someone eles's legs. Just reaffirms my belief that running on a treadmill just aint the same. I must run differently on it. My breathing was anything but labored on this run, so I know at least the treadmill may have kept some kind of fitness intact. As for the legs, I have a lot of work to do before June....

As for taking the last couple days off - it was not planned, it just kind of happened. Busy/stressed at work as we are in the process of filing motions on 8 parties at once, each totalling over 100 pages. I've used that as my excuse for sleeping instead of running, plus the fact that my left leg has not been fine for weeks. Although I've been busy this week, I need to get used to the fact that this is how it will be once things ramp up more...I think warm weather, and cutting out a drive to Snap will help me with the worries that running takes too much time.
