Run: Roads Previous Next


10:41 AM

6.5 mi


8:47 mi


190.8 lb


92 F
  • Map

B&H Portage


Officially, the temperature was about 86-degrees, but the humidity (in addition to making my shorts look like I was in a swimming pool) made the temperature feel like 92.

I tried to stay on the shaded parts of the B&H but it was still very hot. I tried to slow my pace but I wasn't capable of shutting it down. My pace was easy and relaxed but I could feel my insides working hard because of the weather. While I suppose I have run in hotter weather this summer, today just felt like the worst day.

My legs felt surprisingly good after last night's interval workout. I had a little spring in my step. I am going to keep it easy until my long run this weekend. Also, I have been watching my diet closely and feel like weight is dropping off me, which is good as I close in on my Chicago goal weight.

Everything is moving ahead. Just cannot wait for the temps to cool a bit.
