Run: Interval Previous Next


5:50 PM

10.5 mi


8:23 mi


194.2 lb


80 F
  • Map


Met up at the store for a speed workout. Shanna, Rachel, Tracy, Howard, Todd, and Jen were there. We ran over to the WRA track.

I did about 2.5 to warm up.

Then I did 5X1200 (@ i-pace, 4:54) with 3' rest in between reps.

My splits were:

1) 4'48"

2) 4'49"

3) 4'49"

4) 4'49"

5) 4'42"

I wanted to let it out more than I did on the final 1200 but I was a little tired. Actually, I am surprised I was as consistent as I was. When I was warming up, I felt sluggish and tired. But my intervals were steady as she goes. My recovery in between were also consistent.

I cooled down with the gang for about 2 miles on the track and then another mile back to the store. My legs felt heavy on the way back to the store. This was a tough workout but it was the capstone to my interval work. Next week, we are on to tempo work. I am glad the interval phase is over for now...

I feel like I am getting stronger.
