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6:25 PM

6.3 mi


7:04 mi


80 F
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Tonight's w/o was chllenging. It was 2x3miles @ tpace (6'20") with 4' rest in between the two sets. LT told me to chill out and do around 6'30" pace and bring it down to about 6'25". He said that would be a successful w/o. I need to listen better.

My first 3 miles were at a perfect 6'20" pace.

All three miles were steady -

1) 6'20"

2) 6'20"

3) 6'20"

Then I took 4' rest. I drank a good amount of water and thought I was ready. I was hot but tried not to think about it.

I started the second rep on pace and then I saw my pace start to slow.

Mile 1 was 6'25"

Mile 2 was 6'30'

Mentally I was struggling. I was talking to myself about just pushing through. But I was worried I was going to run a 6'35" or slower. So I stopped after Mile 2. I took 2' rest and then hit the one mile in 6'21" pace.

It was not an issue of energy as the last mile showed. But mentally I think the w/o was a bit much for me to process. Then when the weather was not cooperating, I semi-folded.

But I am glad I got the last mile in at t-pace. That should help out somewhere.

Not exactly was I was hoping for tonight...but that;s ok. Putting this w/o in the rearview mirror and focusing on Saturday's TLT w/o.

I did not cool down. When I finished the t--pace I was just done running for tonight.
