Run: Tempo Previous Next


9:00 AM

11.6 mi


8:29 mi


193.2 lb


84 F
  • Map

B&H @ 303


Today was the my first tempo workout. Unfortunately, it was 84 at 9am (but felt like 87 due to the humidity. I was soaked by the end of the third rep).

I warmed up with about 3 miles on the B&H at 303 at around @ 8'55" pace.

Then I began the workout. I did 3X10' at t-pace (7'06"/mile) and a strict 2' rest in between reps to total a 34' workout.

My reps were as follows:

1) 1.42 miles @ 7'04" pace

2) 1.42 miles @ 7'04"pace

3) 1.41 miles @ 7'05" pace

I did not feel overly labored or as if I was working too hard. In fact, I believe I had another 10' rep in me after the third. Overall, I really enjoy the tempo pace runs and the flow that you get in. Essentially, it would take me about 2'40" to find my 7'06" pace but then I was extremely steady after that (perhaps varying 2" on either side of 7'06").

After I finished the 3X10' - I finished up with a 4.17 mile cool down at around 8'50" pace.

Overall, a great workout and some good miles logged today. Up next, a 14-miler this weekend. The rest of the week I'm running easy.
