Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

6.2 mi


7:50 mi


66 F

Race Result

8 / 75 (10.7%)
3 / 16 (18.8%)


First trail race that I actually ever pushed it. According to the Garmin, I did my first loop in 7'51" pace (23'57") and my second loop in 8'08" pace (24'29"). So I did not negative split but I felt ok.

I went out steady in the first loop and waited until top of the world to let loose. Then I hammered the downhill. I pulled back a touch between the start of the second loop and the grassy field. I even walked the stairs and the girl scout hill. Then I hammered it home from top of the world.

Course knowledge definitely benefited me. My time could have been better if I would not have eased up on the first part of loop two. But I was so afraid of crashing that I backed it down.

But I will take the result considering that I have not been that diligent with my hill/speed work and I have been killing the miles lately. If anything this was inspiration to get back at it this week. I am in a much better place than I think . Sometimes my head really mis-frames reality.
