Run: Hill Previous Next


5:50 PM

6.3 mi


9:12 mi


70 F


I warmed up with a 2.5 mile run down to Water street and up to Thornden Park. I tackled the hill next to the pool during 6 repeats of 90" with 2'30" rest in between. I was a lot slower than last week. I might be tired or, perhaps, this hill is not the same as VP in Brecksville. My splits were more consistent today than last week:

1) 7'08" pace

2) 7'15"

3) 7'13"

4) 7'14"

5) 7'17"

6) 7'20"

After the repeats, I headed back to the Sheraton rather than adding on more miles. My legs and body were tired. But I also think that the humidity was contributing to my lethargy. But I am happy that I completed the workout.
