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8:30 AM

12.5 mi


8:36 mi


66 F
  • Map

B&H @ 303


Today was a perfect day to run. It was in the mid-60s and low humidity. I went to the B&H @ 303 for the second week of t-pace work. LT had me shoot for just over 35 minutes of work in the form of 5X1 mile @ 7'06" with 90" rest in between reps.

I did 3.2 up and 4.1 down. I like squeezing a lot of miles in plus it really gets me warm so I hit my marks.

The workout went fine. I got lots of energy and running at t-pace seems slow. I feel like I could do the reps about 10-12'' faster a mile without compromising too much. But I stuck to the plan.

My splits were as follows:

1) 7'05"

2) 7'06" (the was sort of all over the place on this one, had a tough time settling into pace)

3) 7'06" (this was my most consistent split)

4) 7'04" (too fast)

5) 7'06"

So I was 3/5 in terms of hitting my splits this week....Not exactly what I wanted but I was not too slow.

Everything feels good and I feel like I am going to destroy the Buckeye 1/2. The rest of the week I am logging easy miles until Friday's time trial.
