Run: Long Previous Next


6:00 AM

15 mi


8:29 mi


73 F


Did a long with with Bill Billock. We met at L29 and did the 14 mile loop on the roads. Even though there are some hills, I tend to think of this course as rather flat. The goal today was to go for 2 hours and to negative spilt the 14 miles. After a fairly brisk seven miles, Bill seemed keen to push harder which was fine for me. I felt in control the entire run (no dips, lots of energy) and I felt like I have plenty left. We were running well but there was something invigorating about it. The early morning, the early sun, the empty roads, and our legs moving....even the humidity was not too bad given the positives of everything else.

We negative split the 14 miles and then did a cool down mile on the towpath.

The mile splits are as follows:

1) 9'02"

2) 8'08"

3) 8'39"

4) 8'36"

5) 8'36"

6) 8'24"

7) 8'33"

Total front end: 59'58" (8'34" pace)

8) 8'30"

9) 8'14"

10) 8'15"

11) 8'06"

12) 8'18"

13) 8'13"

14) 8'08

Total back end: 57'44" (8'15" pace)

Negative split by 2'14"

Total Pace for 14 miles: 1:57'42" (8'25" pace)

Cool down mile: 9'25" pace

I must confess when we were running the back end of the run from Bath road to Bolanz that I was secretly imagining the Buckeye 1/2. I am hoping to have a developed strategy and run very well there.

My pre-long-run routine is becoming very stable. I have made a list of everything that I need with me (from shoes to GU to body glide to a plastic bag to place my wet clothes in). I am properly resting and fueling the night before. All this does is make my job just to run and enjoy it. There is no extra effort wasted on resolving problems that arise from a lack of planning. And it's making the running experience better than at any other time I can remember. I love running...and look forward to seeing this all pay off in the fall races and in Chicago.
