Run: Moderate Pace Previous Next


7.4 mi


6:44 mi


A chilly, clear evening run by myself before sunset. Ran the very nice river route, but added onto it by going to High Falls too. All in all, a very scenic, enjoyable run. Felt smooth and relaxed the whole time, with it feeling like an easy run most of the time-- put it as Moderate to differentiate from the 7:40 pace runs I do with Chad. I ran really consistent pacing the whole time, and my stride rate was right at 180 the one time that I checked. Calves felt a little tired at the end, but nothing else. Ran uphill on Main Street at the end with a simple stretching of the legs. The uphill felt great, and I was cruising 5:44 pace without any change in the feeling of relaxation. Didn't feel like a kick, which is great. Having little pickups at the end of some runs like this without it feeling like much stress keeps my legs and running feeling fresh.

Took a couple splits-- the other bank of the river after the UofR bridge, and the start of the Main St stretch.

3.14 in 21:20 (6:48), 6.93/3.79 in 47:08/25:48 (6:48), Last .5 in 2:52 (5:44)
