Run: Long Previous Next


7:54 AM

20 mi


6:36 mi


152 lb


56 F
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I'm never taking 2 day off from running before doing a long run. It took me almost 10 miles to feel comfortable running again. Not a feeling i really apreciated. Well since i was in Rockland i was able to get a hiller route, which i think is good. The tempreature was 54 when i started and about 57 when i finished. Needless to say i was chilled the whole run even though i was dreched in sweat.

As i said my first 10 miles were fairly miserable. I was never really comfy about where and how i was running. I just couldn't get into a groove. After i made a water stop for the Nathan fuel belt with the GU Roctane Vinilla Orange (which is a new fav by the way) i felt much better and ran a much smoother half. I did kick it into gear the last 3 miles and get some faster running in on tired legs. Lots of fun.

Now time to taper =) about 3 weeks.
