Run: Tempo Previous Next


2:00 PM

4 mi


5:35 mi


55 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


very solid tempo run... i didn't remember the hills quite as much as what they affected me throughout the run... i could certainly tell that at the end i had the push for the last mile+ so my efforts the past couple weeks seem to be working.

the first mile was rough... i anticipated a stronger time but really didn't need much better it was all about pacing myself throughout the run... the hills affected me greatly and i felt sluggish

Mile 1 - 5.41

mile 2 started a little dissapointing with me stopping for a second... i had to get my head back into it and that helped... i got back on the horse and went... down the hill and back up...

Mile 2 - 5.35 (11.16)

Mile 3 has a big downhill and a big uphill... the uphill was rough and i gave it everything i had

Mile 3 - 5.38 (16.54)

i didn't know it at the time but with mile 3 in the bag this was right on pace with my tempo 2 weeks ago in princeton (without the hills!). mile 4 was going well going downhill but the 10+mph wind was right at my face... i hit the bottom fo the hill and pushed... down to the finish line i went:

Mile 4 - 5.24 (22.19)

overall a very good run... i am glad i didn't do as many speed workouts for this one... i think it has kept my head in the game
