Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:30 AM

3.1 mi


5:53 mi


160 lb


68 F


10 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


I just about got every last ounce of energy out wiht this one, I am going to do the Walnut 5K this weekend, Mr. Guither talked me into it. Tatum and I are going to do it with the jogging stroller so that should be a lot of fun! I actually ran a whole lot better than I anticipated, I got out there and cruized the first mile ~5.54, I didn't know the exact start but I figured I had to be pretty close. At this point I was feeling good but could tell the hill was going to be interesting, I got up the hill but I knew I fell off the pace a little, 6.04, not terrible but I wanted to see if I could get close to 18, down the hill I went and started to pick up the pace, I shot past V&C and turned the corner, 5.44 and a finish with .32, I was very pleased!

