Run: Long Previous Next


8:15 AM

16 mi


7:44 mi


163.4 lb


45 F


7 / 10
10 / 10
  • Map


Well, bad news of the day was I came home, was uploading my run from my garmin but all the way, accidentally deleted this run so I luckily looked at watch when I came home and saw my average pace and mileage so I was able to manipulate the time till I got the pace I ran. I lost all my splits though which sucks because I was running negative splits and wanted to see how they turned out.

That said, had a nice run up 109. Took a good healthy but not to fast pace out, hit mile 8 and u-turned back and picked it up right away and held strong the whole way home (at least I think so). Either way it was a good quality run, no gels or anything. Only area of concern is my shoes are shot which will be replaced on Tuesday when we drive through Oxford/Norway.
