Gearing up for XCountry (Read 290 times)


    As many of you already know cross country season is only a few months away. I'm currently looking for tips on how to lay a good base and work on my speed. From what I've read, it's important to first lay a base which I have done. Running about 30-35 miles a week, I try to incorporate some strides and fartleks to work my speed as well. However, I would like to run a sub 20 5k and I'm wondering how many miles I need to run per week to reach that goal. I've read about people who can run 18:00's with 30-35 miles a week and I have also read about people who can't run sub 20 with 50 miles per week. So I'm really trying to see how many miles I need to run if I want to get a sub 20. Thanks for your help! Just for reference I'm going to be a sophomore next year and I've only run for about 3 months.

      I think you have a great plan there. I would look into taking some real good time just getting in the miles right now. See how your body adjusts to everything. Make sure you follow the %10 rule because to much strain on your body can lead to inuries and you don't need those. You also need to depend on how you feel. YOu feel really good one day then do what you want, do feel so great, take a day off or some really easy miles. Here is the summer program i basically followed Sophomore year. Very simple but effective. Based upon 10 weeks of summer training week 1 first week back from break 10-20 easy miles week 2 20-25 easy miles week 3 25-30 easy miles + 4x30 sec hills every other day week 4 25-30 easy miles. Started to pick the pace up on days that i felt good. 4x30 sec hills every other day week 5 25-35 miles. Easy with 2 days being a short fartleks 4x30 sec hills every other day week 6 30-35 miles easy. with 8x30 sec hills every other day week 7 30-35 miles easy with 8sec hills every other day weeks 8-10 35-40 miles. Easy because your going to be doing hard work come x-c season. key to everything is long runs. Long run teach your body very nicely and i only went up to about 7 miles sophomore year, and still to this day during the weeks leading up to each season try and not exceed more then 10 miles as my long run Good luck with your season. You still have some time to rest. Are you doing Outdoor track?!