Screwed up my training, first half marathon is Saturday (Read 581 times)

    I've been training for a half marathon, but over the past few weeks, life has gotten in the way a bit. The frequency of my runs has been killing me. Last week I ran 4.5 miles on Tuesday and Thursday and my long run on Sunday was 11.3 miles. This week I ran 4.5 on Tuesday, and a 5k Turkey Trot on Thurs. I ate horrible these past few days. Horribly! Anyway, I attempted a 12 miler today, and conked at 5 or 6 miles. I don't even know. It was a course I'm unfamiliar with (and freaking hills). I was dehydrated from the start. I was achy. I was making excuses. Bad run. But it was supposed to be my 12 miler before the half marathon. What should I do training-wise this week? Don't want to do too much, but also worry that I screwed myself over by not getting 12 in. This will be my first half, and it is this Saturday. Thanks.

    "To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time." -- Leonard Bernstein


    fear the Col Sanders

      My opinion? Don't stress the lack of a 12 miler... and don't try to squeeze one in this week. For my first half, I think my longest run was 9 or 10 miles. You have run 11. You will be fine.

      Just because I look dumb doesn't mean I'm not...


        Do what you were planning before the failed 12 miler. One run doesn't make or break you. Bad runs happen. The timing of this one stinks but you could still have a good race.

        Runners run

          Unless you have a time goal in mind, you don't need a 12 miler to finish a Half. Just be prepared for the last 5K to hurt a bit. I ran 2 Halfs this year on no more than 1 run each time over 11 miles. I don't count the trail runs back in March, as I walked a bunch of that. I am not qualified to advice, but I ran 4-5 miles each day the week of the recent half and took Thursday and Friday off, and did better than expected on saturday.
            You'll be fine is the consensus, and I agree. Don't sacrifice your rest days. Plus it is said that after a bad run you're due for a good one, so you may be pleasantly surprised.
              Nothing new here, but I agree with every one else. Don't sweat it. You dont 'have' to run 12 in order to complete 13...... Focus on your normal running scheduling (and training plan) and MAKE SURE you go into the 1/2 M (on race day) rested, fueled up (eat properly) and ready to run......One bad run doesnt make or break anyting.... For what its worth - I have a bad run almost every Tue (cause I'm usually a little tired from my long Sunday run). I've come to expect it..... Shocked Shocked You will just have a bad one every now and then Big grin Big grin Big grin

              Champions are made when no one is watching

                Thanks to everyone that replied! I essentially took it easy on the week of the race, and successfully ran my first half marathon!

                "To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time." -- Leonard Bernstein