Leg cramps on marathon-pace long run (Read 1080 times)

    I could use some advice. I am training for my first marathon using the Pfiztinger 18/55 plan. Today I was scheduled for a 15 mile long run with 12 miles at marathon pace. I managed to hold my goal pace pretty well and finished with an average 7:57/mi for the marathon-pace section, which is exactly where I want to be (3:30 goal time). My problem is that toward the end, I could feel my legs tightening up. If I had gone much farther, I'm pretty sure I would have cramped up. I've only had this problem once before, during my first half marathon last May, so it seems to be related to running at a relatively fast pace for a long time. I never have this problem during my tempo runs, which have gotten up to 6-7 miles at a faster pace (7:20-7:30/mi). I also never have this problem during my normal long runs (up to 20 miles at 9:00/mi). I wonder if this is a hydration or salt issue. During my half marathon, I didn't drink as much as I had been during my training because I couldn't drink effectively out of the paper cups. I ended up with 1/2 of each cup on my shirt instead of in my mouth. Today I drank 12 oz. of Gatorade during the run; I probably should have brought more. I would appreciate any advice people could give me. Should I be drinking more during the runs? Should I take salt tablets? Should I be doing more MP runs?

      How did you come up with that goal time? Your actual goal should be based on a recent long race like your HM but also take into consideration the relative difficulty of the courses and the weather. If you did a flat HM in perfect weather and you're now training on hilly routes in bad weather, you need to adjust your pace to a more equal effort which would be slower pace. A couple ounces of gatorade is not going to be the difference in cramping and not cramping. Cramping usually means you are running to fast for your current fitness level. Just run more and try to control your level of effort more then your actual pace.

      Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose; it's how drunk you get. -- Homer Simpson


        I'm pretty sure if I ran 15 with 12 at MP my legs would be tightening up at the end too. That's a pretty big workout. Yes, running long and fast will do that...that's why you're doing workouts like this leading up to a marathon. I wouldn't take it as a sign you're doing anything wrong, just keep going.

        Runners run

          I agree with Mikeymike for the most part. As long as you are able to get in next weeks workouts as planned then you should be good. Just keep getting at it. Worst thing is imperfect weather come race day mixed with some "tto fast" pacing might lead to some cramping issues but tackle those as they come. I have cramped in more then one run and I was running slower then I had in previous races of that year. Just weird days mixed with weird conditions. Keep on keeping on and the marathon will be successful.

          "You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas"  Davy Crockett

            Gatorade & gu. For some, even that isn't enough and they go for the salt tabs, too, to stave off leg cramps.
              Thanks for the advice, guys. This was definitely a hard workout for me -- I've been dreading it ever since I saw it on the Pfitzinger schedule -- but it gives me a lot of confidence that I was able to complete it at my goal pace. I'm not going to worry too much. For the next MP long run, I'll experiment with taking more Gatorade and maybe some Gus or salt tabs.