Define Athlete (Read 916 times)


    UA makes a shirt that I have come close to buying (even though I avoid UA's overpriced stuff on principle). It says Athletes Run. Big grin
    Don't buy UA's shoes. They say Athletes Foot. Ok then.




      Don't buy UA's shoes. They say Athletes Foot. Ok then.
      Heh, they don't make wides, anyhow. Tongue

      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

           ~ Sarah Kay


        You take so and so's place in softball, then have so-and-so run a 10 miler, and each report back on the experience.
        Careful with that one. There is such a thing as high-level tournament slow-pitch and fast-pitch SB, you might get put out at 3rd base and take a ball that puts your teeth right down your throat.

        Professional Noob

          I think it's anyone who gets grumpy when they don't get to do their favorite sports activity... Big grin

          Roads were made for journeys...

          Tyler S

            Nascar drivers and poker players on ESPN are athletes.
            Don't forget about darts and dominoes, they've been on ESPN as well >_>
              This argument comes up frequently when lists are made of the greatest athlete in history. Secretariat usually makes the list, which makes for an entertaining discussion. Golfers and race car drivers are usually controversial in these arguments as well. My daughter is a horseback rider and competes, and she gets ticked at her classmates who think the horse is doing all the work. ESPN- the E stands for entertainment, so not everything on ESPN is a sport. Spelling bee? I thought I might settle this once and for all with this rule-If you can smoke a cigarette while participating in your sport, you are not an athlete. This rules out golf, which is kind of a shame. And I think a lot of Rightfielders could get away with smoking, as long as the ditched it when chasing fly balls. The kids in the spelling bee can't smoke legally, and they are twitchy enough already.

              Options,Account, Forums

                surely ultramarathoners can smoke?

                It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                  Sorry, but you might want to head to Europe and watch everyone light up just before a marathon or a cycling race. Heck, sometimes during (at least in the old days). And lots of baseball players were smokers for years and years. I like my alcohol test better. If a little alcohol improves your performance, then it probably isn't a sport (see: bowling, darts, poker, sex). Of course, I think baseball is a sport and Mickey Mantle was an athlete... and one of the best players ever. But he was plowed during most of his games, apparently. So there are exceptions. Edited to add: I've not witnessed any ultrarunners smoke. At least tobacco. I *have* witnessed ingestion of ganja during a race. No foolin.



                    Marathoners used to drink booze in the latter parts of races. Though it's hard to say whether it improved their performance.

                    Runners run

                    A Saucy Wench

                      Marathoners used to drink booze in the latter parts of races. Though it's hard to say whether it improved their performance.
                      They still serve beer at mile 23 (?) in the Portland marathon.

                      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


                      Options,Account, Forums

                        Marathoners used to drink booze in the latter parts of races. Though it's hard to say whether it improved their performance.
                        Maybe if the runners and the spectators all imbibed, it would improve at least the enjoyment of... well... most of everybody

                        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                        A Saucy Wench

                          I was told once that you are an athlete when the training/activity spills out into how you conduct your life when NOT training/playing. In otherwords when you start looking at how your nutrition supports your running and your sleep supports your running and your red wine supports your running....you are becoming an athlete.

                          I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                          "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


                            They still serve beer at mile 23 (?) in the Portland marathon.
                            Heh. Beer comes up in lots of marathons (on-on). Sometimes earlier rather than later. I can't say it has ever improved my performance... so I think it fails the alcohol/not-a-sport test. Beer was famously outlawed at Ironman. Backintheday, before we knew what the hell we were doing, we tried all kinds of stuff including beer to fuel up during events like that. My buddy chuck (no, not THAT chuck) got DQed out of Kona one year after the ban because he was caught, uh, beer loading. I didn't know about booze, though. Huh. Good to learn!


                            Imminent Catastrophe

                              Don't forget about darts and dominoes, they've been on ESPN as well >_>
                              Don't forget rock/paper/scissors. That requires some serious manual dexterity. And it can be dangerous if you do it while running (but only if you choose scissors).

                              "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                               "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                              "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                              √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                              Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                              Western States 100 June 2016


                                Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock!

