3:20 Marathoners ... New and Improved for (the rest of) 2017 (Read 372 times)


Cobra Commander Keen

    I'm back! Saw no elk on the trip; it got pretty warm (60+) after the second day, so I think the elk just stayed far up in the mountains. Did see a lot of antelope, mule deer, and some monster moose. I've gone one one run since, and had no issues with my hip. Hopefully I'll get back at it tomorrow. Too bad most of my fitness seems to be gone. I'll likely be hobby jogging my HM this weekend, then my marathon in a month. At least I'll get the race shirts!
    Starting next year my work is providing up to $300/year in reimbursements for "wellness" equipment/services, so maybe I can get some new shoes.

    I know I'm skipping a lot with this, but here are a few call outs:


    DWave - Great execution, even if the time wasn't what you were going for. Reading the RR soon.


    Ace - Pretty good result in really bad conditions. Hopefully you get to take advantage of your fitness. Reading your RR soon as well. Also, great 5k.


    Pesto - Very impressive 10k. Also, "runner" and "weirdo" aren't mutually exclusive.


    SClever - That's a very scary elevation chart.


    Ilana - Congrats to your SU.

    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


    Upcoming Races:





      Well, the running gods have been against me today.


      I picked up an extra shift at work today, we're short staffed. Short day, 9-3. Took the kids to school, packed my running gear, so I could run before I got home after work. It rained all morning, but was supposed be nice this afternoon.


      Left work, drove the 40 minutes to where I was going to run (it's on the way home, I have a 45 minute commute). Got there and realized my running stuff was not in the car! The last place I put it...ON TOP OF THE CAR!! I put it there while loading the kids in their carseats, totally forgot about it.  I assumed it would be in the neighborhood somewhere. I drove my route back home. No sign of my running bag. Lost a new pair of shorts from the marathon expo. I hadn't even ran in them yet. Also lost my everyday trainers which where about 50% through their wear and tear.


      I was frustrated, but put on some running clothes and my trail shoes. Literally opened the door to go run and it started monosooning (if that's a word) outside. High winds and torrential downpour (my phone said 65 and cloudy, this was incorrect)


      So, now I will make a pot of chili for dinner and wait on the storm to pass...in my running clothes...and mourn the loss of good running gear!

      Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)

      Running Problem

      Problem Child

        arvind great job on the half.


        ace 11/27. Monday after thanksgiving. I thought it was keen who had a baby due around mine but I think he's late December. It will be interesting learning how to deal with a newborn and holidays. My wife has already told people she isn't helping plan Thanksgiving this year. She usually sends out a mass email of "sign up for what you want to bring" and it makes things easy.  NICE HM time. I don't think I could do that today. As for a March marathon, it sounds like some time off after the half might be planned with December being when you start back up. dwave is the most experience I know with doing marathons close together and she did a 12 week turnaround from Chicago to CIM in 2016.


        EDIT: Dude....that sucks. I was hoping you'd say someone at the school had them for you.


        It's officially taken 4 months to lose all aerobic capacity I've built up. Chicago 2018 #doomed. It SERIOUSLY sucked to run today. I need to start running more but it's so hard. It reminds me of the old days where I only did 5Ks and half marathons and said I'd never do a full.


        Weekend Review (it's fetch):

        Brewed a 10 gallon batch of my Oatmeal Stout for the wife Sunday. Plan was to make a 10 gallon batch and just use the nice weather and enjoy brewing along with using some new toys I bought for brewing. Well it turned into me creating oatmeal on the stove (flaked oats + 130F water + 1 hour = solid oatmeal) then clogging the filter I use to separate the grains from the water. In the middle of it all my SIL asked me to check her brakes (2014 Audi Q5) because they're making a grinding noise. Her driver side looks fine, her inside passenger side pad was literally worn down 100%. It turns out Audi only puts a sensor on one brake pad. Guess which side had the sensor. I also attempted to smoke some ribs. So now it turned into not realizing the smoker would be going through wood chips as fast as it was, attempting to salvage a brew day, and somehow replace my SIL's brakes on a car I've never done it on and can't find anything online as far as a "How To" because apparently Audi thought it would be a great idea to change calipers on her car only. The brew ended up going fine (10.5 gallons fermenting away for the wife), the ribs turned out okay (it was a $10 experiment), and I think I have the brake pads figured out. It turns out I'm turning into a dad before my own eyes at the cost of being able to run over 7 miles. I told a RB I'll probably start running when I'm not sleeping with DS coming along soon.


        The little bit of running I'm doing these days. Amazing dropoff.


        Weekly Summary
        Monday, Oct 16, 2017 thru Sunday, Oct 22, 2017

        <tfoot> </tfoot>
        Day Miles Pace Description Link
        Mon 4.4 8:50 That time the dry air is to blame. strava
        Tue 0.5 22:03 That time I walked back from the bank. strava
        Tue 6.2 8:35 That time I was a city boy. strava
          11.1 9:14    

        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

        VDOT 53.37 

        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


        pie man

          I saw elk when up I was up in the Wind River mountains last month.  Just a single one in the morning in the middle of the Green River.  And maybe the same moose Anton K saw on his trip up the valley.  Antelope outnumber residents in Wyoming so you see them everywhere.  Including the Casper airport and college grounds.


          D - I think It is all grass, but it may not be the shortest cut.  Or it's very hilly?  I know the consensus is that it's tough.  I can ask someone who has done it and give you a better answer.


          under armor has posted that they're filming runners in my neighborhood tomorrow.  I don't know what to make of that.

          11:11 3,000 (recent)

          Jim E

            Ace - Hey, at least you didn't put the bag in the car and leave the kids on top!


            Cobra Commander Keen

              Ace - Sad story. Chili with beans, or without? Answer carefully!


              Brew - Sounds like you had quite the weekend. I've been meaning to try smoking/grilling some ribs myself. You haven't lost everything if you can make it 6+ miles; I feel the pain, though.


              Me - Had an interview for what would be a promotion earlier this afternoon. Here's hoping that ends well.

              5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


              Upcoming Races:





                Jim: that comment made me miss the "like" button in the RW forum. So consider this my formal "liking" of your comment. Some days you wish your kids were on top of the car. 


                Good news: I got a run in 5 miles at 7:54 pace. Ran to get the necessary cornbread for the chili.


                CK: I know I'm answering wrong in your book, but there are definitely beans in my chili. (beef, hot sausage, beans, tomatoes, jalapeno, onion, garlic, spices, thats it). This is about the only beef dish we make anymore, and it's delicious...at least to us.


                PJ: you're a runner, you should definitely go be filmed!

                Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


                Mother of Cats

                  Thread moves fast - good to see Smile


                  Elizabeth - glad to hear that the AT was just a scare, and you're back on the road.


                  Arvind - I agree with Rovatti - you may have a good marathon coming up.  BTW, I'll likely be in Richmond, running the 8K and then cheering the half and the full.  Perhaps we can meet up.


                  Rovatti - welcome back!


                  Ace - that 5K is ridiculous.  Congratulations!  How did you do that? My first run back this past week was a very achy 5 miles on Saturday.


                  Regarding the forum notifications, are you sure that you're not visiting it enough to trigger the notifications?  I think that one receives 1 notification about a new post, and then no more notifications until you view the thread again.  It's an odd system, but I actually really like it.

                  Regarding the crappy day, I think the universe owes you a do-over.


                  Pesto - given that 10K I think you very much still have your fitness.


                  PJ - your avatar plus caption ("pie man") cracks me up.


                  MCBen - your observation about the 3 kids is very astute.   Isn't that the point where the grandparents have to move next door?


                  SC - odd combo of donut-ed and fasted running.


                  Jim - that's some solid mileage.  How's the rib now?


                  Dad - Honestly, I don't know as he has solid criteria - he's very "I call 'em as I see 'em."  If you ask him why you got pulled, it's usually "you've done enough."   So, a tautology.   But his instincts are eerie, so I just accept it, even if I'm annoyed when I get stopped early but feel totally fine.

                  CK - welcome back!  Good luck on the interviews, and the hobby-jogging.


                  Brewing - I agree - as long as you can do 6 miles, you're not totally doomed. On the other hand, children are doom incarnate, so....


                  Re: turnaround between marathons - it was 8 weeks from Chicago to CIM.  Did a 3 week reverse taper, repeated my two peak weeks of training, and then tapered down.  I ran a pretty good 5K 10 days out from CIM, which in retrospect was a clue that I wasn't fully ready for CIM.  CIM went OK, but I don't think I ran as well as I would have with a full cycle dedicated to it.

                  OTOH, my experience with quick turn-arounds not working may not apply to someone who can run a superfast 5K 7 days post-marathon.

                  I keep forgetting to post my weeklies.  Here's a particularly boring one.  14 miles plus 28 "miles" pool-running.
                  M: yoga and 5.5 "miles" pool-running with belt 
                  T:  4 "miles" pool-running
                  W: 7 "miles" pool-running and injury prevention work.
                  Th: yoga and 5.5 "miles" pool-running.
                  F: 6 "miles" pool-running and some swimming.
                  Sa: 5 miles easy/not easy (8:43) plus light upper body weights/core.
                  Su: 9 miles intermittent, as I ran to and then around the Marine Corps Marathon, cheering.

                  Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                  And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                  A 3:20 Slowpoke

                    Keen- I guess you could turn the hobby jog half and full into some kind of a workout.  Shirts are nice though!


                    Ace - rough day!  The running gods owe you so be prepared when they’re ready to pay off!


                    Brew - you’re young so starting from scratch shouldn’t be so bad.....unless you have a baby on the way!


                    PJ - do you own any Under Armour? If yes, wear it and become a celebrity (like Max)


                    DW -  double pool miles........wise!


                    hey to the rest!


                    my week:


                    M - 7.2 easy

                    T -  10.5 very easy

                    W - 14.6 -  8.6 AM / 6 PM. Hill repeats in AM

                    Th -  10.8 easy

                    F - 7.8 easy

                    Sa - 8.2 easy

                    Su - 16.8 - 10.6 AM/6.2 PM  single track And hills in AM.


                    Total - 75.9

                    PR's   5k - 20:39 (2014).  10k - 42:04 (2014)   13.1 - 1:30:30 (2014)   26.2 - 3:14:21 2017)

                    Upcoming Races  -   Boston Marathon 4/18


                    pie man

                      This is Baltimore.  You get handed under armor when you exit the highway into town.

                      11:11 3,000 (recent)

                      Running Problem

                      Problem Child

                        ace/keen wait...we are comparing chili recipes now? is that a thing? am I not engaging "dad mode" enough to know when the competition starts? Am I doing something wrong as a parent already? I don't even have a chili recipe or a go to. Should I? also, ace look at dwave advice on quick turnarounds on marathons. She passed me around mile 4 and i didn't see her until the meet and greet where max gave away my beer. Marathons stacked together so close seems hard because you don't have rest between. If there is a goal and the family knows the goal go for it. Also know after the goal you have to engage dad mode regardless of the results. It's a thing I'm learning.


                        ace craigslist. free section. treadmill. heck even searching treadmill will bring back something helpful.


                        max uh it's been like a month since you journeyed through the great wilderness known as "Mormon country" so the recap is expected by now. Go full blown "jabbering runner" mode and just put words on paper. Put it out in parts like WS100. I loved that series.


                        rlk what's the hap on your boy Mock-o? new job/girlfriend/lifestyle change/coach/adulting/millennial problem causing him to re-evaluate his focus or goals? Is he going back to track workouts aiming for the Olympics because ultra marathons didn't end up being as easy as he thought?


                        Jim when is your next race? rooting at CIM? pacing? doping?


                        Keen if you have MY luck at interviews you're the best prepared and get beat out by paperwork.   I wish you the best.


                        dwave my child is doomed to know the principal on a first name basis. I'm doomed to walk into the principal's office with a "my kid is innocent until proven guilty" approach because I've been in a few principal offices. Fully engaging #dadmode when I'm "defending my client" and the (legal jargon about evidence that won't hold up outside the principal's office) "proof my child didn't do such things" and "hence forth rejecting the null so my case rests" (looking like a proud moron who saw it once on a TV show or a movie) because you can't prove it.

                        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                        VDOT 53.37 

                        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                          OK, a lot has happened since last night here...


                          ace - that sucks on the gear! But good call on making chili, that makes anyone happy.


                          CK - welcome back! And great news on the hip feeling well. I wouldn't give up on racing the FM just yet, you may surprise yourself. FWIW, the RB I ran Berlin with had a pretty bad cycle, with injury and a much lower mileage than expected (I think his longest run was 14 miles), but still ran a 7.5 minute PR of 3:01:XX. This was his third marathon of the year, so maybe somehow fitness from his previous cycle(s) kicked in on race day. Good luck with he interview!


                          PJ - hope you make it to the filming. And then share the link please.


                          brew - that's quite the weekend! I've heard stouts are good for breastfeeding, so good choice on the brew. Also, there's still a long way to go to Chicago 2018.


                          DkW - nice week of pool-running!


                          CD and JimE - monster weeks!


                          arvind - I forgot about you in the previous post, congrats on the HM! You're getting very close to that sub-1:30 goal.

                          5K - 18:03 (5.18) | 10K - 37:58 (2.18) | HM - 1:20:45 (9.18) | FM: 2:57:59 (10.18)

                          Arvind Balaraman

                            Thank you all for the encouragement.


                            Dwave, would love to meet you at Richmond. Will message you my contact details

                              PJ/DkW ~ Thanks


                              CDR K ~ good luck


                              Ace ~ Ugh. I got a perfect set on sunglasses at Boston expo, wore them in race, then next time I ran placed on top of car ... what I found wasn't pretty.


                              Cobra Commander Keen

                                Ace - Of course chili has beans! It's just meat sauce without them. What kind of heathen do you take me for??


                                Brew - Bummer about paperwork getting in the way. Perhaps the chili thing is a southern/south adjacent business.


                                Max - Where are you? I need a massive RR to read!


                                My run this morning went better than the last one. Much easier for the pace, though HR was still high. I wasn't paying too much attention to the HR, just running. I did try picking things up a bit the last mile or so, but my mind kept wandering and I ended up varying pace quite a bit. Hopefully things come back quickly. I'm turning into a serious wimp, though! Getting up at 5:45 was tough (used to get up at/before 5:00), and the temp was a good deal lower than what I had been running in. I need to build some toughness!


                                My interview apparently went well enough, as I unofficially got it. Now I'm just waiting for HR to write up a formal offer!

                                5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                                Upcoming Races:

