Finally Caught One! (Read 325 times)

    I'm not stranger to people yelling stuff at me as they drive by me on a run. Of course they are very brave as they tear by at 45mph, and it's frustrating not to get a chance to retort. On Sunday morning a guy decided to yell from the window of a bus as it went by. He kept it up for a while, as the bus was pretty slow. I guess he forgot that there was a stop light ahead... a long stop light. He closed that window fast when he saw me running up. I tried to explain that he should open it up... I really wasn't able to make out what he had said, and I was sure it was amazingly witty. I explained that I'm sure he really wanted to convey his thoughts and he should open up the window and clarify. Alas he wouldn't, but it was still fun to make him really uncomfortable for the couple of minutes that he was my captive audience.

    5K - 18:25 - 3/19/11
    10K - 39:38 - 12/13/09
    1/2 - 1:29:38 - 5/30/10
    Full - 3:45:40 - 5/27/07