Womens running shorts (Read 2101 times)

Hawt and sexy

    I find runingskirts.com skirts to be all over the place in size. But I only buy these on sale so that could be the problem.


    With sirtsports skirts, you have to pay attention to their fit notes. If they say size up because it fits tight, you better do it. I love their racebelt skirts, even though I have never run a race that had a bib in a size that fit the snaps. Nothing a pair of scissors can't fix though.


    Target runs just right. Yes Target. C9 gear.


    I have more running skirts than any woman has a right to own.


    If you really hate shorts, just buy a pair of spankes from eastbay or skirt sports, and wear your favorite beach skirt over them. (Skirtsports spankes have the luxury of pockets, handy if your a marathoner or just need a place for a key.)

    I'm touching your pants.


      I have more running skirts than any woman has a right to own.



      I may give you a run for your money on that one

      heh - "run"


      running skirts I find pretty true to size - I'm a pretty solid size 4 and I wear their 2. My issue with their skirts,is that I always run with my cell phone - if I use their pocket - I'm constantly having to pull my skirt back up


      with skirtsports - like Willa says - pay attention to their fit notes - sometimes I wear small, sometimes XS


      one of my  favorite skirts is Brooks PR mesh skort - they have a cell phone pocket on the leg of the short + a zipper pocket on the back. Even 'tho it's mesh - it isn't see through - and it feels like you are wearing almost nothing


      as to the chafing - neither thunder thighs or stick legs - but if I'm wearing a skirt with a brief - I gotta use body glide too.

      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away...(unkown)

      Go With The Flow
      Thyroid Support Group


      Lush Extraordinaire

        B. Buy longer shorts like these



        She got here first, I was going to suggest these shorts.  They rock.


        I'm glad you ended up liking them, too, Erica.

        5k - 23:30

        10k - 49:00

        Half - 1:48:34

        Full - 4:01:28


        Working toward hip nirvana.

        My dogs are fast, not me

          B. Buy longer shorts like these


          +1 on the 6" shorts.  I wear them and they stay down with no chaffing issues.



            do the 6" shorts have built-in panties?

            Lush Extraordinaire

              They have a built in liner thing.

              5k - 23:30

              10k - 49:00

              Half - 1:48:34

              Full - 4:01:28


              Working toward hip nirvana.


              Bacon Party!

                Like Sweeter, I've started running mostly in skirts, but I still have "bunching" issues.  The skirt at least hides it, but it's not comfortable.  Has anyone ever seen a running skirt with a compression short underneath that has the no-slip stuff around the legs?  I mean the little squiggly line of something rubbery, like you find around the legs of bike shorts?  I've looked at about a dozen different skirts, and none have had this.


                You can make your own no-slip shorts - one tube of Permatex RTV (or similar) and go to town making your own no-slip squiggles.


                (You'll find Permatex and similar gasket/sealing/adhesive products in hardware and auto parts stores.)


                pace sera, sera


                  You can make your own no-slip shorts - one tube of Permatex RTV (or similar) and go to town making your own no-slip squiggles.


                  (You'll find Permatex and similar gasket/sealing/adhesive products in hardware and auto parts stores.)

                  I'd wondered if there was some product like this out there.  I'm going to give it a try.  Thanks for the tip!!


                  Silver Falls Half Marathon 11/3/2019 Goals:

                  1. Don't fall.

                  2. Finish.

                  3. See #1 and #2.

                  I look my best blurry!

                    Just wore my Skirt Sports running skirt for the first time.  It's great!  Very lightweight fabric.  Breezy!

                    Queen of 3rd Place

                      I have several friends who wear rowing shorts (sort of like cycling shorts but without padding): http://www.jlrowing.com/stock-items-trou.html

                      Ex runner

                      The Terminator

                        Running skirts.  I have one from runningskirts.com.  I either sent them my measurements or they had a measurement chart that helped me pick out the right size.

                        Shorts are a crapshoot.  I have found some I like by trial and error.  Target and Old Navy are my favorites.  Unfortunately, I have learned that you can't predict bunching from trying them on in a dressing room.  Ugh.  I have wasted so much money buying shorts that looked like they'd be fine in the dressing room, but were a total mess on my first run in them.

                        "In the South, the cotillion of Machiavelli is played as a soft-shoe, in three-quarter time." - Pat Conroy

                          I agree about running skirts.  I've tried several different brands, you just have to find what works for you.  A few swipes of Body Glide also seems to help keep the skirt liner in place.


                          On running SHORTS, you might want to try shorter, not longer.  I've got pretty "healthy" thighs, but found that shorter shorts ride up less, or maybe there is just less material to bunch up.  Either way, I seem to like shorter shorts better than longer shorts.  YMMV.

