two year old runner? (Read 436 times)


    I saw the post about pushing your kids and thought about my own son who will be three this August. He loves to run and often will run laps around the playground instead of going down the slides and climbing. So we entered him into a kids' race this weekend, and I figured, why not take him for a run around the block? It was about a half mile, and he pretty much ran the whole way and talked the whole time, pointing out things he saw. He only stopped when he became distracted, but when I told him to go he did readily. The next time we ran, when we got back, I asked if he wanted to go again, and he was happy to do so. This time, he didn't just want to run around the block, he kept trying to get me to take him further away, until I realized he was trying to go to another playground about a mile away. I finally got him to head back, but he was pretty upset to head back home. But he's running and talking the whole time. We ended up going a mile and a half, and he didn't seem too tired. I think its mostly imitation at this point, he sees me and his mom running and also wants to, when I headed out to run last night he got his hat and shoes ready and said "Reese go run", and threw a fit when I told him no... He seems to really enjoy it, but is that too far to be going with a kid? He'd probably run all day if I let him.

    5K 20:20 9/17/11 13.1 1:36:58 6/12/11 26.2 3:34:19 9/23/2012

    The shirtless wonder

      I'm no doctor but I'd say that exercise is a good thing even for a wee little one. Smile As long as the kid doesn't turn into a pancake for the rest of the day I could only imagine good things.

        When I was 2 I used to run forever. I ran as far as I could until my parents called me, turned around and ran back, again and again and again. Why not enter him for a marathon? Surprised It would certainly get some publicity Big grin Just look at what 2 year-olds have done Two-year-old 'Matilda' becomes youngest ever girl in Mensa http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-463539/Two-year-old-Matilda-youngest-girl-Mensa.html

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